Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Information Sheets

2011 Gaza Freedom Flotilla Delegation
U.S. Ambassador Samuel F. Hart
Retired American diplomat who served three years in Israel
Over a 27 year State Department career, Sam Hart served as a political economist in Latin America, the Middle East (Israel) and Far East. His last posting was as US ambassador to Ecuador. Since retiring, he has been active in volunteer organizations such as World Affairs Councils and the ACLU and as a frequent lecturer on US foreign policy on cruise ships. He and his wife, Jo Ann, live in Jacksonville, Florida. 

To book Ambassador Hart for speaking engagements and other events please email Glen Curry at
or call +1 510-232-2500
Sister Patricia Chaffee, O.P.
Human Rights Advocate
Pat Chaffee is a Dominican Sister. She has been active in human rights advocacy for thirty years. She visited the West Bank in 2006 and Gaza in 2009. In 2010 she participated in the aborted Gaza Freedom March, marooned in Cairo.  Her motive for joining the flotilla is to tell the people of Gaza that she is opposed to her country's oppression. She is committed to nonviolence, under any circumstances. 

To book Sister Pat Chaffee for speaking engagements and other events please email Glen Curry at
or call +1 510-232-2500
William "Jimbo" Simmons
Human Rights Leader, American Indian Movement
Jimbo Simmons is a member of the Choctaw nation and of the Leadership Council of the American Indian Movement West (AIM-WEST), which resists colonization, respects traditional knowledge and self-determination, and raises awareness on issues that concern Indians of the Americas, from racism to protection of sacred sites, the rights of the child, treaties, political prisoners, police brutality, immigration and militarization, climate change and the United Nations General Assembly “Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. He is in solidarity with Palestinians and all indigenous peoples that are subjected to expulsion and ethnic cleansing.

To book Mr. Simmons for speaking engagements and other events please contact:

Deppen Webber at or +1-707-292-3248
or call +1 510-232-2500
Joe Meadors
Veteran and Survivor of the 1967 Israeli Attack on the USS Liberty
Joe Meadors is an American former U.S. Navy signalman, who survived Israel’s attack on the USS Liberty, June 8, 1967, which killed 34 Americans and wounded 174, including Joe. He is married to Jean Meadors; they live in Corpus Christi, Texas. He is a member of the U.S.S. Liberty Veterans Association. In 2010, he was a passenger on the Sfendoni in the Gaza Freedom flotilla with Ambassador Edward Peck, captured by the Israelis, and released.

To book Joe for speaking engagements and other events please contact:

Deppen Webber at or +1-707-292-3248
or call +1 510-232-2500
Paul Larudee
Co-Founder, Free Palestine Movement
Dr. Paul Larudee spent 14 years in Arab countries as a student, teacher, Fulbright-Hays lecturer, and U.S. government advisor. He has been to Palestine many times since 1965, and is active with the International Solidarity Movement, a nonviolent resistance group. He is a co-founder of the Free Palestine Movement (FPM) and the Free Gaza Movement (FGM), whose boats broke a 41-year-old Israeli naval blockade of Gaza in August, 2008, and he was a member of the U.S. delegation aboard the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which was attacked by Israeli forces on May 31, 2010.

To book Paul for speaking engagements and other events please contact directly at:
or call +1 510-232-2500