
U.S. Ambassador Samuel Hart

William "Jimbo" Simmons Human Rights Leader, American Indian Movement

Joe Meadors
Veteran & Survivor of USS Liberty

Sister Patricia Chaffee

Paul Larudee
Co-founder Free Palestine Movement
Concerts For Palestine

A way to focus world attention on the plight of Palestinians and expand international support for their rights is to stage a world-class concert in much the way that the famous 1988 Mandela Concert in London helped end apartheid in South Africa. In 2010 Free Palestine Movement helped launch the first Jazza For Gaza in London. More events across the globe are planned for 2011!
The success of our mission and the Palestinian struggle for human rights depends upon you making it your mission, too. Join us: volunteer, provide speaking oppurtunities, endorse us, make a donation. We have already done the impossible, but only with your participation can we continue to push the limits of possibility.