
U.S. Ambassador Samuel Hart

William "Jimbo" Simmons Human Rights Leader, American Indian Movement

Joe Meadors
Veteran & Survivor of USS Liberty

Sister Patricia Chaffee

Paul Larudee
Co-founder Free Palestine Movement
Free Palestine Movement is always looking for volunteers to take part in planning and implementing our exciting projects.
Here is a partial list of needed volunteer skills:
- Human rights and nonprofit law
- Project management
- Fundraising
- Organizing
- Graphic design
- Public speaking
- Journalism
- Photogaphy
- Video production
- Web design and content management
- Computer security
- Listserv management
Email us at volunteer@freepalestinemovement.org
Call: +1 510 232 2500
Or Write us at:
Free Palestine Movement
405 Vista Heights Road
El Cerrito, CA 94530