
We congratulate the free, sovereign and independent Bolivian people

The Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees and its sponsored organizations

International Solidarity Movement – Northern California
International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity
Free Palestine Movement
Syria Solidarity Movement
Resumen Latinoamericana
Serena Shim Award
One State Assembly

extend their congratulations to the Bolivian people upon their free election of a government that asserts their resolute sovereignty and determination to defy external intervention and international imperialism. Although it is a great victory for Bolivians and free people everywhere, we know that sovereignty and popular will are only the beginning, as experienced by the continuing resistance struggles of the peoples of Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine and other nations, including the first nations of the Americas and all first nations everywhere. We pledge our support to Bolivia and all peoples asserting and struggling for their freedom and independence in defiance of the repression of imperialist powers seeking to dominate and exploit them.

Long live the Bolivian people and all free peoples!

The sponsored organizations of the Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees
