
A brave Palestinian chooses liberty or death #Rage4Maher

A brave Palestinian chooses liberty or death

The Free Palestine Movement participates in the vigil as the life of Palestinian political prisoner Maher Akhras, held in an Israeli prison indefinitely without charges or even accusations, ebbs away. We respect with sorrow but understanding the heroic choice of brother Maher to starve himself in order to achieve a freedom that the Israeli occupiers deny him.

Maher is the conscience whose physical sighs are barely audible, but whose moral voice is deafening to all who hear the cries of genocide that are the foundation of the racist Zionist dream. They will not be satiated until every Palestinian disappears from the face of Palestine.

Maher is teaching them that Palestine will not go quietly, and his young daughter is teaching them that a hundred generations will pursue the restoration of Palestine until it is achieved.

The Free Palestine Movement shares Maher’s dream and the dream of all Palestinians, which will live as long as it remains in their hearts.

Thank you, Maher. We pledge to participate in the struggle until Palestine is restored from the river to the sea.

The Free Palestine Movement






