

Donate Online!

The purpose of Free Palestine Movement is to defend and advocate for the human rights of all Palestinians, and in particular the right of access to all of Palestine. We are an accredited NGO of the United Nations. Help us carry out this important mission by donating to FPM.

Free Palestine Movement is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, U.S. tax identification number 20-5516191, authorized by the Internal Revenue Service to receive tax-exempt donations for human rights advocacy.

All donations are tax deductible in the United States.

Enter the amount you would like to donate or choose an option below for a one-time or recurring monthly donation:

You can donate by check here:

Please mail to:
405 Vista Heights Rd.
El Cerrito, CA 94530

Wire Transfer
For security reasons, we ask you to call us to arrange a wire transfer at:
+1 510 232 2500

PLEASE NOTE:  We are required by the US Internal Revenue Service to provide receipt letters to all persons or institutions that donate more than $250 in one calendar year.  Our practice is to provide receipt letters for all donations of $50 or more, and to mail them all at one time in January for the preceding year.  If you need an earlier acknowledgment, please let us know.
