
Gaza By Sea


In May 2011 we will be participating in a civilian marine convoy of at least twelve cargo and passenger vessels to Gaza, loaded with thousands of tons of medical supplies, water purification equipment, building materials and other items forbidden by Israel. It is by far the biggest effort yet to break the siege of Gaza by sea, organized by thousands of people from 30 countries and hundreds of groups based in Turkey, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Sweden, Malaysia, the EU, the UK, and of course, the USA.

The first five successful voyages of the Free Gaza Movement showed the feasibility of this form of nonviolent resistance. The subsequent unsuccessful voyages showed its limitations. We believe that a successful challenge must include the following elements:

  • It must include a U.S. focus as part of an international effort. Israel has more concern for actions that are based inside the country that is its main sponsor.
  • It must be a world-class event, with U.S. members of Congress, internationally known humanitarians and celebrities.